So here we are, sixteen months on from when lockdown one was announced, and where are we ??? 
No further forward in my opinion 
The airports are still empty, planes still grounded, staff on furlough and the aviation and tourism trade as flat as a pancake. Business travel is almost non existent, business hotels empty and pubs and restaurants and local economies not doing much 
The UK government seem determined not to allow business and tourist travellers move around the world this summer, and their travel policy/restrictions and the cost of testing along with the hassle incurred is just making people decide against a foreign holiday at the moment HOWEVER you can stop wearing facemasks from Monday 19th July go to Wembley, Wimbledon and Silverstone ??? 
Come on, stop telling yourselves what a great job your doing and get a move on helping the country to move on ! 
The UK need travel and tourism and business travellers FAR MORE than any sporting event. 
Can you hurry up and start thinking about people other than those whose lives revolve around the pub and the TV please ??? 
Get Britain moving now !!! 
Look after yourselves 
Hope to drive you to the airport soon !!! 
Tagged as: Covid 19
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